Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Great-Aunt Betty passed away last Friday. She was a wonderful woman who lived a full life well into her 80's. She leaves behind 3 children and their spouses as well as 4 grandchildren. I know she is in heaven with her parents, brothers, and sisters having a grand time. Below is a photo I took last year of her and my mom. Love you Aunt Betty and you will be missed.

On June 28th my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They came over to my house and my sister and I took them too a movie and dinner. We had a real nice time.

Here is my Hattie with the new kitty......don't they look sweet together? Yeah, well not so much. About 2 seconds after this was taken Hattie growled at him then smacked him on the head and shoved him right off the box. Maybe someday she will like him but not today.

Here is the little kitty with his cute is that?

I was trying to get a picture that would show how big he is getting, from 1 pound 6 ounces to 3 pounds 5 ounces. But the little snot will not sit still for a second so this was the best I could do.

There he is shoved in with my stuffed animals...Jody did it
Here is my baby, the only time she is not growling at me...when she is sleeping.

Here is my sisters new kitty.....
Hope that everyone is having a nice summer....till next time. Amy

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