Well, I am a little slow in posting but better late than never. I made my mom another table topper for Christmas. She needed something for Fall. She just loves panda's so I found this cute fabric. She ended up putting it on my Grandma's cedar chest with her Panda collection. So now I need to make her another fall table topper. I wonder if I will get it done by fall 2010...maybe 2011.

I made the below tote bag for my parents to take with them on vacation this year to Aruba. Hard to see in the picture but there are little iguana's on it, so cute.

My friend has a daughter in the Girl Scouts so I made the big one for her then made a mini version for her little sister. I think they came out really well.

So this was supposed to be an easy project. But since I have never done anything like this before and the directions were crap it took me 1 1/2 days straight at a quilting retreat to get it...there was alot of sewing and unsewing till it came out right. The kicker is I could do one now in about 2 hours...

And after all that work, the darn little naughty kitty made it his home....

I made some mini quilts since I want to practice my top stiching, which is the sewing of the layers together. I am trying to get better at that part. Plus these are super easy and quick.

Coffee Table topper...looks alot cutier in person.

Mr Dexter after a long day of running around like a loon.

This is super small, they call it a candle mat.

Two more mini quilts.

My Kitties are pretending to get along....

Dexter shoved his fluffy butt into my step stool...

So Dexter likes to chase this toy in a circle over and over and then he gets so dizzy he falls over...and it is so funny....