So the beginning of Feb I flew to Colorado to watch my cousin's children while they went to Mexico on vacation. Since I am watching every penny it was a good way to get to visit them since I was not sure I would this year. They are all in school so that left the days free to wonder around. This pic was on the road to Estes Park which is up in the rockies. A cute little tourist town with 3 quilt stores. HA

Here is a nice picture of my evil kitty. The other day I was fast asleep when all of a sudden the something landed hard on the bed shaking me awake. She had jumped from the dresser to the bed then walked up to my face and meowed....I guess she felt I had slept long enough.

I found this little pendant up in Estes Park. I thought it was too cute so bought myself a gift...HA

I made this pillow for Jody's birthday. It matches to the quilt I made her and yes those squares really are that small and yes it was annoying to make but I had very little material left from her quilt so it was small or nothing!!

We have started using Recycle bags at stores and are trying hard not to use plastic so I saw these and have already made like 6 or 7.

Here is a mini version of the bag above. It is nice for just taking a few things too and from work or stuff like that.

Now I have to talk about the AMAZON KINDLE....if you don't know what it is then you live under a rock. Just kidding. It is the new e-book reader and it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! it holds 1500 books, stays charged for 2 weeks. Is thin as a pencil and easy to read. You can download books to it (without a computer) in less than 60 seconds and I am more than thrilled with the one I got last week. Next time I go on vacation I can pack even less!!! Which I am totally excited about!!!!