Well, I am back. After months of nothing to say I have come up with a few things. In a moment of insanity I decided to make some quilts for Christmas. It started with one for my sister and one for my dad and somehow that became 10 quilts. Up until this point I made 2 throw sized quilts, 2 wall hangings, some tote bags and a few other misc things. So taking this on proved to be quite a challenge. But I finished, at 6pm on Christmas Eve I finished!!! Here are some photo's of all my hard work. Please note the first photo of my kitty helping me out. She did have to do her part after all.
This one was for my daddy. It was made from flannel and chenille (or however that is spelled) He thought I cut up a towel and added it so he had someplace to wipe his hands after he ate. Yes, he is that crazy.

This is the back of his quilt. I like the crazy pieced look on the back. Something about it makes the crazy parts of me very happy.

This little cutie is Alyssa....for those of you who know she is Dave and Cathy's Granddaughter. For those who do not my parents best friends grandaughter. And yes she really is this cute in person.

This would be Alyssa's Quilt

This is the crazy back and the picture below this one is of a little doll quilt I also made her. Actually I made 2......

And this adorable santa in training is Maxwell. He is Dave and Cathy's grandson

This would be the quilt I made for him...it looks much nicer in person. The picture just does not do it justice. I have no picture of the back cause I just used one piece of fabric for that. I was running out of time or I would have pieced that too.

This one I made for my Aunt Linda. I am thrilled to say that she loved it and it matches perfect to her bedroom which was a lucky guess on my part since I have not been to her new house yet.

This is the little decorative pillow I made for her too. I had alot of extra fabric so was able to make this for her. I also made the back fun so she can have it go either way.

I just thought this was a funny pic of all of them stacked up waiting to be finished

I made this one for my best pal Sharl

Here is the back....

This was made for my friend Amy's daughter, Morgan. I just made this design as I went. I knew she would love the colors but did not feel like following a pattern. I really liked how it turned out.
Morgan also got the other doll quilt.

I made the back more pale. I still wanted alot of color.

This is how I felt after finishing this many.....Hattie is just lazy.........

Amy also has a baby daughter named Ava..so she got one too.

This is Ava's pieced back.

And the final quilt...the hardest one is Jody's. I was a little worried the colors would be too much for her but she really liked it so that is great!!

This is her back.....don't ask me why...I just don't know.

Well, that is all I did in the months I did not blog. Maybe now I can get some housework done. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! And have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!